Ahhh Shit is a recurring post on any new band, song or video that has recently grabbed my attention. Yes, the title is a reference ...
In a developing habit of list-making, here’s my top 40 songs released this fine and plentiful year. Think of it as some kind of alternative ...
Cover versions are, more often than not, brilliant reworkings of songs or totally skewed perspectives on a track that make you look at it in ...
It’s that time of year again. The end of year lists are already cropping up so I thought it’s time for me and Lewi to ...
Basically, I could of downloaded this almost instantly when it was released but hotmail was down. My Macbook was playing up. I forgot. Things got ...
It’s the second part of our “Zelda Podcast Challenge” and whereas Lewi diverged and went fucking tech, here Nathan presents a more conventional set up, ...
If you didn’t know already, I recently did an interview with the almost certain to be massive mainstream sensation Lissie You may have seen her ...
On Friday night I was able to interview a rather jolly-sounding Lissie, read on to find out about her album, it’s production, her thoughts on ...
MADVILLIAN are back after a pretty long anticipated return, with “Papermill”, which is oddly being given away on Adult Swim in association with Kia, the ...
As the series continues, we have Matt’s summer playlist, which has some absolute classics and so far has probably picked the best songs, Lewi definitely ...
I have to admit that I’ve not been a massive Gorillaz fan, a few of the singles and an odd album song here and there ...